Agreed Direction

“One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine with only interests.” John Stuart Mill

Clarity of direction is critical for business excellence. Our research indicates that Agreed Direction is dependent on the Business Plan, the Organisation’s Culture and the Engagement of the Top Team.

Inherent in Cumberland’s approach to development and enhancement of the business plan is full involvement of the top team. In creating the business plan, attention needs to be given to the changes in behaviour that must occur in order to create a culture which is compatible with the achievement of the goals set out in the plan. Cumberland can help the top team develop their business plan and the required culture compatible with the agreed business direction.

Cumberland team members have successfully addressed the following symptoms which indicate a lack of direction.

Cumberland Consulting Group

Leading people to business excellence

Contact Us

Level 2-7 Rheola Street, West Perth WA 6005

+61 409 433 472

 Rotary  Our strong partnership and collaboration with Rotary International and Rotary Means Business stands as a testament to our commitment to supporting the community